Fly Fish The Surf 7-18-2019

So we start out looking (fishing) for halibut but the water is so thick with kelp it covers the fly on each cast. We see corbina at our feet so we switch rods, 8wt to a 6wt and go after the corbina. All we see is them going out, never coming in with the pitch of the shore so it is Blind Sight Casting. No takers and now the surf camps are in full swing so we go to another beach. More corbina but same scenario. All we see is them headed out. Now this beach is filling up and we are talking while the line has been cast and left to sit there. Line goes tight, we both get excited and the fight is on. It comes to hand quickly but alas, foul hooked in the back. You can make out the pink fly in the middle of its back. We really thought one picked up the fly as it sat there while we BS’d.

Fly Fish The Surf 7-18-2019